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What are the basics of debugging in C++?

In this C++ tutorial, you learned the basics of debugging including when you might need to debug (like when a function is not providing the expected results), the difference between stand-alone and integrated debuggers (integrated debuggers are part of an IDE and might be easier to use), and common debugger features.

How to debug in Visual Studio?

To debug, you need to start your app with the debugger attached to the process. In Visual Studio, press F5 or select Debug | Start Debugging. Your code may need to be rebuilt. Sometimes, in the heat of debugging, you may forget whether you are in edit mode or actively debugging an application. Visual Studio provides clues.

Does VS Code support debugging?

Debugging of Node.js-based applications is supported on Linux, macOS, and Windows out of the box with VS Code. Many other scenarios are supported by VS Code extensions available in the Marketplace. I do not see any launch configurations in the Run and Debug view dropdown.

What is a debugger in IDE?

One of the most useful features of an IDE is the debugger. Under a debugger, you can step through code as it is running, examining the values of variables, structures, program flow, screen output, and other elements of the application for errors.

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